.. tWO hEARTS aRE bROKEN WiiTH nOTHiiNG lEFT tO sAY && aLL bECAUSE hE iiS mOViiNG aWAii .. </3 |
. x .. wHY cANT ii bREATH wHENEVER ii tHiiNK aBOUT yOU, wHY cANT ii sPEAK wHENEVER ii tALK abOUT yOU .. x . |
. x .. iiF ii wENT sOMEWHERE fAR aWAii..ii wOULD wRiiTE yOUR nAME oN eVERY stAR sO tHE wHOLE wORLD cAN sEE tHAT yOU mEAN tHE wORLD tO mE .. x . |
&& aLL tHiiS TiiMe ii tHOUGHT ii kNEW yOU |
"jzt say yOu lOvee me. & yOu can't live withOut me .. |
"make the mOst Of what yOu lOve . live life tO the fullest [&&] have nO reGrets " |
"something i've done that i can't outrun maybe you should wait maybe you should run but there's something you said that can't be undone" |
Maybe one day this dream will come tru..its all i want...to be wit u |
What you mean to me you'll never know.. deep inside ii need to show |
&& a lilttle piece of my heart is always wit u |