Quotes by cOCONUTkiiSSES

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  • && if ders nO tOmOrrOw && aLL we havee is here && nOw..im happy just tO havee yOuu..yOu’re aLL da lOvee ii need sOmehOw its lyk a dream although im nOt asleep ii neva waNt tO wake upp…

    17 years ago
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  • When the last tear drop falls
    ill be holding on to all the memories
    And all of what used to be
    When the last tear drop falls
    ill be standing tall
    And know you'll be here in my heart..
    when the last tear drop falls_ .

    17 years ago
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  • "♥.......It’s the way you make me laugh, when I don’t even want to smile...... ♥

    17 years ago
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  • I wanna run with the reckless emotion..find out if love is the size of an ocean..even if i crash down and burn out at least im gonna know what its like to feel alive

    17 years ago
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  • . x . iits nOtt whatt ii feel fOr yOuu, butt whatt ii dOnt feel fOr anybOdy butt yOuu . x .

    17 years ago
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  • WitOut yOu there wOuld be nO sun in my sky, there wOuld be nO lOvee in my lifee, there wOuld be nO wOrld left fOr me and ii dOnt knOw what ii wOuld dO I’d be lOst if ii lOst yOuu..

    17 years ago
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  • In places no one will find
    All your feelings so deep inside
    it was there that I realiZed
    That forever was in your eyes

    17 years ago
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  • "wat ive felt,,,wat ive known,,,never shined thru in wat ive shown,,,never be,,,never see,,, wont see wat mite hav been

    17 years ago
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  • Why cant i be that girl, the one u talk to all your friends about, the one that puts that gorgeous smile on your face, the one that you want to be with

    17 years ago
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  • Everytime we touch..ii get this feeling & everytime we kiss ii sware ii can fly.. cant u hear my heart beat fast..i want this to last

    17 years ago
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