Quotes by cOCONUTkiiSSES

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  • .. xx . my heartt is yOurs . xx ..

    17 years ago
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  • Wenn yOuu say yOuu lOvee me dO yOuu meann itt,,,babii wenn yOuu hOld me dO yOuu feeL itt,,??

    17 years ago
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  • Iim gOiin crazii witOutt yOuu..

    17 years ago
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  • I'm alone and I don't know what to do
    With my feelings cause I'm still not over you and i'm crying from the day you walked away and I miss you

    17 years ago
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  • && iit's killin me tO knOw yOuu witOutt haviin a chance tO hOld yOuu and all ii wanna dO is shOw hOw ii rellii feel insiide

    17 years ago
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  • I luv u so deeply, I luv u so much, I luv da sound of ur voice nd da way dat we touch, I luv ur warm smile nd ur kind thoughtful way, da joy dat u bring 2 my lyf evryday, I lv u 2day as I hav frm da start, nd ill luv u 4eva wit all of my hrt…

    17 years ago
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  • Ii dOnt miss him ii miss whO ii thought he was..

    17 years ago
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  • . xx .. lOvee iisn't allwaiiz watt yOuu fiink iit iis .. xx .

    17 years ago
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  • ...iif ii had justt onee mOre daii ii wOuld teLL yOuu hOw muchh ii've missed yOuu siince yOuu've been awaii
    iit's dangerOus iit's sO outt Of liine tO try and turnn back tiime...

    17 years ago
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  • . x . sOme daiiz ii feel brOke inside butt ii wOnt admitt...sOmetiimes ii justt wanna hide 'cause iit's yOuu ii miss and iit's sO hard tO say gOodbye
    when iit cOmes tO thiss . x .

    17 years ago
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