Poems by yvonnie

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  • My love is strong
    It will survive all...

  • My thoughts about you are clear
    there is no more confusion or a feeling of being...

  • If we could trade places, I would blow ya mind
    calling and saying I love you, while i give dis...

  • You lead me on
    you changed me...

  • Love is beyond whats on the tv screen
    its reality but feels like a dream...

  • You've been gone for ten years
    still think about you every single day...

  • My dreams were right
    you're just a boy...

  • Im kissing you
    no one else...

  • No sad love poem will be written below
    no love lost or plead...

  • No one can take away this feeling i have for you
    a feeling that is real and stays through thick and...

  • You and her may have chemistry
    but we have history...

  • Though you are not here with me today
    you are in my dreams...