
About Tkers

I am 22yrs old. I have been writing poetry for awhile. They all come from the heart. You can surely tell what kind of mood I was in when i wrote the poems. and i would be really happy if you wrote coments about my peoms.

Profile of Tkers

  • Age : 22
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Michigan
  • Joined : Mar 3, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 6
  • Comments : 4
  • Quotes : 3
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Tkers

  • I trusted you with my whole heart
    I gave you the real me...

  • So many hardships I've been thro
    I've cried for hours on end...

  • I thought I could trust you
    But I found out I can't...

  • When you touch me
    My whole body shivers...

  • Dedicated to Missy
    I was the only person to stick by you...

Latest Quotes By Tkers

  • " Some people never get the chance to fall inlove..i am just happy i got the chance to even tho i got my heart broken.."

    17 years ago
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  • "just think of the good memories, and be glad that they happend."

    18 years ago
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  • "How do you know what love looks like, if you never open your eyes to acually see it?"

    18 years ago
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