Quotes by ღ♥eLiZaBeThღ♥

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  • You would never stab yourself because it hurts. So why do you love if it hurts just as much?

    19 years ago
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  • What hurts the most
    is being so close
    and having so much to say
    and watching you walk away
    and never knowing
    what could have been
    and not seeing that loving you
    is what i was trying to do

    I didn't make this up...its a song

    19 years ago
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  • No love= No pain

    No pain=No gain

    18 years ago
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  • Why doesn't it hurt to fall in love, yet it nearly kills to fall out?

    18 years ago
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  • Every night before I go to sleep I see those bedroom eyes...gorgeous body, to-die-for face and then I say to myself:

    "I really need to take that mirror off of my ceiling!"

    18 years ago
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  • Why don't old men have sex with old women?

    Have you ever tried to pull apart a grilled cheese sandwhich?!

    sorry, thats gross but its so funny..lol

    18 years ago
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  • He's everything I have drempt of and more...

    I'm everything he doesn't want and nothing more...

    18 years ago
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  • ~!*What feels good isn't always right...

    ..........but it always feels good*!~

    18 years ago
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  • If your man is too cheap to take you out every once in a while, he's spending all his money on wh0res!

    My grandma told me this because I was complaining about never going out with my boyfriend. Funny, huh?

    18 years ago
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  • ~!* I know its really annoying when people do this but plz go read my poems. If I'm not any good at this, I'm going to gie up so I need some feed back. Thanx...XoXo~ ღ♥eLiZaBeThღ♥

    18 years ago
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