This is dedicated to all the Jews murdered by the...
I cannot look you in the hate-filled eye...
Solemn silver skies,
Summer stealthily subsides...
I saw that you both sought hope somehow,
But didn't see how it came from me...
Some goals set us,
Rather than the reverse...
(My apologies: there should be a category for...
There was no passion, but for our addictions...
When you come to the pinnacle of attraction, it's...
That attraction is steel, the passion: soulwound...
Note: if you're taking the time to visit, please...
You can't tell where I come from.
I drag you closer day by day...
They see the one they want:
These justice men in hoods...
I used to think I knew you,
But I didn’t know myself all that...
You think this shoreline is easy for me.
The tranquility is a gold, russet and bronze hue...
The dishwasher's loaded, the clothes are all dry,
We bought a new vacuum, so let's give it a try...