I remember a time when this was busy.
This was a community as community's were...
I added another string to a useless bow.
I built another worthless place to go...
Those ringlets: they're magical.
They're a helix of beauty and fire...
The dishwasher's loaded, the clothes are all dry,
We bought a new vacuum, so let's give it a try...
They see the one they want:
These justice men in hoods...
I will fight alongside you, son,
I will fight to protect your mother...
And you were there just days ago.
Full of the joy of living...
The Churches are empty this Sunday
The malls, conversely, are full...
Go now, to arms
Held out in love...
This is dedicated to all the Jews murdered by the...
I cannot look you in the hate-filled eye...
There's a knock on your door
One not of comfort, yet familiar...
Fire in my eyes is from seeing you lied.
Useless tremors in your voice reveal all you hide...