Just one slip on a patch of diesel
And the big picture's off the easel...
Stevie was a face you'd always see in our crowd.
Not one of the ringleaders, but always quite loud...
He gently closes the door for the last time,
While outside his heart turns to rust...
Take the stand for the future because this present...
There are things we need to do to set things...
The struggle. The mindset.
The risk of going blind yet...
I don't live with her mother, I live with another.
Not a million miles away...
Put in your combat teeth,
We're preparing for war...
The big new death stalks over the print run,
Gather speed as we start to take heed...
I saw that you both sought hope somehow,
But didn't see how it came from me...
The lovers practice their art,
And the sky fills with stars...
Note: if you're taking the time to visit, please...
She felt the world owed her a living after all...
Her paradise had crumbled. All that was left was...