Quotes by Song Bird

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  • I kno gurls including me, when we are down in pain or even lost in love, we like to search for a song or words in a song that can describe how we feel, and when we find that song we love it and keep playing it until tha felings go away.....

    18 years ago
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  • He's like Kyrptonite if he touch me i'll loose my powers,
    if he hit i kno i'll fall like he's a plane nd i'm the towers.
    He's knockin on muh heart nd i jus can't let him in,
    i got muh guard up fightin temptation i can't let him win.

    14 years ago
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  • U mended this broken heart of mine, you took me away from hate, showed me how true love is kind, promise you'll never turn away.

    16 years ago
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  • Our pages no longer have writing they are all just blank,
    its time to close our book, the "fairy tale" went away.
    i learned that every word i write is just heartache,
    so theres no point in continueing a love story, when my prince went away.

    16 years ago
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  • People are always putting me down, and wonder why i can't get back up

    17 years ago
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  • SMILE...........i know its something hard to do when everytime you look in the mirror you HATE what stares back.

    17 years ago
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  • People always try to tell me how i should feel about someone and i use to try to go by that...but the i learned its not what they try to make me feel its about how i feel so at the end my heart will lead me not people

    17 years ago
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  • I use to want someone who treated me right and someone who could love me back........ now that i have him i want him to treat me wrong and dislike me!!!!!!!!

    17 years ago
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  • Its weird how girls are attracked to those who are heart breakers......
    but run away from those who are love givers....

    17 years ago
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  • Over and over i say i'm through
    so why must i keep falling back in love wit u??????

    18 years ago
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