As I hear the car
Roar into the drive...
Misty figures slowly float in shadows
Endlessly haunting innocent lives with delight...
{...Remember My Tears...}
Elegantly falling over smooth cheeks...
Burgundies glitter
Yellows outline cloudy swirls...
Fingernails scratching savagely at raw insides,
Fury hunting brutally within a body...
This was a poem I had to write for english class...
Sweet breezes whistle,
Waves elegantly collapse...
Resting serenely among emerald green grass,
Shimmering light reflected through sparkling eyes...
Fugitive liquids run over tender skin,
Pale flesh remains icy as heat leaves a body...
&& a [lover] is not so different to a r.o.s.e. |
`L.i.f.e isn't about {holding} onto your |
[ Life ] is like the .o.c.e.a.n. |