Floating on fluffy clouds in the bright purple sky
Flying away from sorrow, fulfilling her dreams...
Hunting down sugar, craving those colored sweets
Accepting any kind, emptying all into paper bags...
Violently scratching at my hysterical pale...
Screaming with annoyance when blood doesn't appear...
Spotted fur shimmers
Olive eyes hold sharp gazes...
Slowly breathing in, struggling to relax
Fidgeting uncomfortably, crying within...
Tears spilling silently down my face
Despairing lips remain sadly shut...
Slowly letting you go, trying to leave you behind
Yet every time I see you, my heart hotly explodes...
Following you slowly through each and every life
Filling in small gaps that sadly love could not...
Black ominously closing in on the joyous sun
Wheels slowly spin and creek in the silent wind...
A white envelope lies silently beneath the empty...
Containing a long letter, a letter that can never...
Slowly spreading embroidered wings
Gently fluttering from flower to flower...