Climbing on jagged steps from the hell below
Rips and tears throughout her soul she does sew...
Thrilling scents flutter
Scarlet petals confirm pain...
....Drips fast...
Sitting silently; hidden by the downfall of drops,
Rapidly soaking through thick layers of...
On that hot summer day
We relaxed on the warm beaches...
Tears stick beneath delicate eyelids
Hiding pain that yearns to be free...
Everyone around me slowly falling in love
Holding hands, giving kisses, singing songs...
Slowly peaking out
Golden rays of sunlight shine...
Gracefully floating
Wrapped carefully in darkness...
Slowly opening battered green eyes
Squinting silently in the foggy gloom...
Tears spilling silently down my face
Despairing lips remain sadly shut...
Smudging ink and flooding words,
Painstakingly written across a page...