Do ou really know what I feel for you...
Do you acknowledge what I could do...
Some girls who danced on the sabbath were turned...
So a legend was started to keep those girls at...
Why do we seem to go round and round?
It sure spins me out - yeah this I've found...
I'm a rapper of some intelligence
You could call this poetical indulgence...
Through all the bad things that go on
There are many things that do us no wrong...
I have felt and thought I had found love so many...
Only to be fed unrequited Dear John lines...
I am the medicine man,
Here to channel all I can...
As we dance through future, present and past,
Both of us must wonder if this will last...
Sometimes miracles fall around us like stardust
too fine for even the most keenest of sight...
Around me is chaos
Inside me is still...
Sometiimes life seems to be so full of fear
Even when I think of you getting too near...
Tis the first day of spring my dears
Time to banish those winter fears...