Poems by Meggie33

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  • 24 long days have passed since i laid eyes on the...
    we've been 21 quiet days, with words untold...

  • *by: Meggie and her friend, the other Meggie*
    Why is it like this...

  • Seeing them there, all laughing and in love,
    and my "relationship" with him is...

  • Feeling this way, I can't go on,
    I want to love you, but I know it's wrong...

  • Way back when, the stars were bright,
    way back when, i could still see at night...

  • Why did he trick me, of all people in this world?
    why did he trick me, of all the girls...

  • I love you, and your ways,
    i love those nights and those days...

  • As i sit here wiping up my tears,
    i think back over all the years...

  • You're amazing to me me,
    and i need to hold you close...