Quotes by C0mpletelyxUnkn0wnx3

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  • When we cant stand up
    against the world any longer,
    we should run to a corner
    of the universe, && plunge off
    the very edge together,
    just so we would never have to
    find out how scary it would be
    [if we had to live without eachother]

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • When we cant stand up
    against the world any longer,
    we should run to a corner
    of the universe, && plunge off
    the very edge together,
    just so we would never have to
    find out how scary it would be
    [if we had to live without eachother]

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • She wants to collect every star
    she wished on for you,
    She wishes she could gather every tear
    she cried for you,
    She counts every step
    she walked with you,
    Just to add them all together && prove
    [ how crazy she really is for you ]

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Forgive, sounds good..
    Forget, Im not sure I could..

    -The Dixie Chicks ♥

    17 years ago
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  • It seems like he is the only one,
    who gives me a reason to go on,
    even though i feel like i could fall,
    he stays near to catch me when i do.

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • She's once again able to
    hold her head high,
    && come face to face with
    what love has in store.. ♥

    18 years ago
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  • He seems like he has everything a boy could ever want,
    && she tells herself that maybe shes not on that list,
    but she still sits around and waits for him to say,
    [your EVERYTHING i want] ♥

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • She always tells him he has
    the most gorgeous eyes,
    the most powerful voice,
    the perfect smile,
    && the sweetest nature,
    but how does she tell him he has
    [ h e r h e a r t ] ♥

    18 years ago
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  • She thought she found her true love,
    at least that what they agreed,
    but then one day he walked away,
    he just dissappeared without a trace
    for her to ever find..

    18 years ago
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  • I hope that someday we could
    Walk && talk the whole day long,
    Then cuddle up && watch the sunset,
    && try to find stars in the city sky,
    Then stay there until the end of time..

    18 years ago
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