Quotes by C0mpletelyxUnkn0wnx3

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  • When someone says you've turned their life...
    (UpSiDe DoWn)

    You've made them look at life in a...
    (DiFfErEnT aNgLe)

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • She takes her time to count every step she takes,
    && every person she passes by on the streets,
    walking through the city until her feet feel numb,
    && not giving up til she && love meets.. ♥

    18 years ago
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  • She is the kind of girl who is there to
    help && can solve anyones love issues,
    && she crys herself to sleep because
    shes alone && can't help herself.. ♥

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • She takes her time to look at
    herself in the mirror,
    && she concentrates on
    every single feature in her face,
    every curve in her waist,
    && the sound of her voice
    just to try && understand why
    [He Will Never Fall For Her] ♥

    18 years ago
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  • I hope that someday we could
    Walk && talk the whole day long,
    Then cuddle up && watch the sunset,
    && try to find stars in the city sky,
    Then stay there until the end of time..

    18 years ago
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  • She thought she found her true love,
    at least that what they agreed,
    but then one day he walked away,
    he just dissappeared without a trace
    for her to ever find..

    18 years ago
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  • She always tells him he has
    the most gorgeous eyes,
    the most powerful voice,
    the perfect smile,
    && the sweetest nature,
    but how does she tell him he has
    [ h e r h e a r t ] ♥

    18 years ago
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  • He seems like he has everything a boy could ever want,
    && she tells herself that maybe shes not on that list,
    but she still sits around and waits for him to say,
    [your EVERYTHING i want] ♥

    18 years ago
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  • She's once again able to
    hold her head high,
    && come face to face with
    what love has in store.. ♥

    18 years ago
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  • It seems like he is the only one,
    who gives me a reason to go on,
    even though i feel like i could fall,
    he stays near to catch me when i do.

    18 years ago
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