**SoMe TiMeS iTs EaSiEr To SaY u DoNt CaRe ThEn To ExPlAiN aLl ThE ReAsOnS y U dO** |
Be crazy be stupid be wild be silly cuz lifes to short to be ** cool** |
There's no point in chasing after someone who you know won't love you...but i still do it anyway |
Prepare for the worst so it wont hurt so much |
If you cant get someone out of your head, maybe there supposed to be there. |
Why would u want to blend into the crowd when u could be the one making it |
Everytime i see you sign on im my heart pounds, i think of a million things to say before i im you, but then when i im you my mind goes blank, and i dont know what to say. |
For some reason i just cant get over you |
I tell them i dont love you anymore |
You never really lived, until you found someone worth dying for |