Quotes by CarissalRADIOFACEl

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  • It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to see you again ;; but it hurt like hell to see you (( w i t h h e r ))


    17 years ago
    0 0
  • && sometimes, it takes LAUGHING when you see him with someone else ;;
    SMILING when he waves to you ;;
    and WALKINGAWAY when he tells you he's missed you -- Because there is NOLIMIT to how many times ONEBOY can break your heart.

    17 years ago
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  • So what if it wasn't love?
    All that matters is that you had the time of your life with someone who actually cared.


    17 years ago
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  • && I've resorted to writing every quote
    hoping, M A Y B E , by chance,
    you'll come across one
    and you'll [f i n a l l y] know
    how BIG of a jackass you were.


    17 years ago
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  • You look at me like I'm a monster;;
    because I'm too afraid to tell you::
    that I ..::cried::.. too.


    17 years ago
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  • You don't have to ((LIE)), boy.



    18 years ago
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  • &and all it really takes is you ||STEALING A GLANCE|| at her to make me ((understand how you feel))


    18 years ago
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  • So HOWMANYTIMES are you going to ((WATCHMEFALL)) before you step off of your thrown and ||SHOWME|| what real love is.


    18 years ago
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  • So, I see you |inthehalls| a lot

    and I know I don't even know your name

    but I... ((I T H I N K I L O V E Y O U))


    18 years ago
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  • You can just forget about that house we were going to live in. You can forget about me and about how all I ever wanted was to make you happy and for once, I hope you'll forget about what I did to make you not love me.

    18 years ago
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