TEaRs RuN dOwN My fAcE..
aS tHe bLoOd pOuRs FrOm My wRiSt...
So to a suicidal dream,
a dream that never ends...
The tears fade,
and the blood runs dry...
My hEaD hUrTs, iM iN pAiN..
i CaNt tHiNk aNd CaNnOt eXpLAiN...
I SiT iN a cOrNeR..
iTs dArK + iM aLoNe...
I DoNt KnOw WhAt tO sAy aNyMoRe,
i DoNt KnOw WhAt tO tHiNk...
ShE tOOk tHe BrOkEn gLaSs..
+ StAbBeD iT tHrOuGh hEr hEaRt...
ShE BrOkE A hUgE gLaSs WiNdOw,
bEcAuSe hEr rEfLeCtiOn ShOnE...
My suicidal dream,
established i should die...