All i see in this bit of paper that i am writing...
and all i want to do is write and rhyme...
Apart of me from being alone,
i sit and wait for the stone...
Is to late to say sorry.
instead of this worry...
Sometimes baby I don't feel like talking on the...
And sometimes sweetie I don't want to be all alone...
One more tear
One more cry...
So fat to skinny
wish perfect...
I am looking at her picture
and it brings me to tears...
We were all packed and ready to bid our farewells.
to the house we had grown up in and the one we...
White long dress with pink and white diamonds.
she did her hair in ringlets by the hairdresser...
This is a poem to say goodbye 2 sum 1 i really...
i told u once that she was never good enough 4 u i...
Poppy poppy why did u go
it wasn\'t time...
Why do people treat me like this
why do people stare and point...