&& then yooh said... baby--- i love yooh``` and ii just new it was true.. no more sadness && being blue.. but being just meeh && yooh... ღ |
&& yooh never understood y she did cut that night... she says it was nothing... but baby...it was all because of yooh... ღ |
&& she knew the decision was |
&& then yooh held meeh in your arms... and said yooh were there... so dont be scared.. because he cared... and would never leave... ღ |
&& e v e r y t i m e she goes home after being out.. no matter how happy she is... she cries because she knows its going to end... ღ |
&& in fact yes i do.. i love yooh... && then yooh say i love yooh too.. && then we r happy forever && ever... isnt that the wayy it works? |
&& mayb she doesnt show her pain... but atleast she trys to talk && fix things that were unsaid.... |
&& mayb your not all she dreamed of... but she would never give yooh up for anything in the world... |
[[baby]] how do yooh make meeh feel this wayy e v e r y d a y just by |
&& hoo cares if no one likes yooh... thats the best thing in the world... cuz we dont hafta worry bout ne one cummin in bet-ween meeh&&yooh. |