Me and him are in different parts of our life now
&& I\'m just glad he\'s with a girl i care...
I feel so lost because i cant be with you
honestly i have no idea what to do...
I AM .. a giirl
I hear.. the excitement 0f lust...
I don't know why i met you,
if i knew i wouldn't let you...
Dearest Friend i d0nt want y0u t0 w0rry..
ii just want you guys to mend...
Ii f3lt iit wAsN't Riight,
th0ugh ii h3ld 0N wiith All MY Miight...
WHAT IF tommorow never comes and you dont know how...
DO YOU KNOW how it feels to be with someone every...
I don't understand..
I DINT UNDERSTAND why I'm hurting when Ive let him...
Ii havE \\\"L0vEd\\\" bEf0RE,
but at thE ENd ii had aLways g0t t0RE...