Life has two reasons to it reason1 to live, reason2 to find someone to spend the rest of you rlife with... |
All i want is to be wanted, all i need is to be needed, all i wish is for you to be with me |
~~I fEeL lIkE hAlF mY hEaRt Is GoNe, CuZ wHeN hE lEfT hE RiPpEd ThE oThEr HaLf OfF.~~ |
You never know how much you need someone, until your not with them... |
~~and he looked at her and smiled, not knowing that he was hurting me. |
~~when i think about what i did to someone i say to myself why? why did i do it? and now what do i do since i cant get the guy i want?~~ |
Boys are like halloween candy, you give away the bad ones, and keep the good! |
Life is hard, no matter how you live it, it always will be! |
~someone is lying, and someone else is getting hurt in return!~ |
I dumped a boy and i dont know why, i keep telling myself and that boy that it was only for the best! but was it? i think about it every now and then and now i know it was for the best... |