Dance around a sky of hazy, milk-white forgottens;
and bark laughter towards the ground...
A delicate web of words flows softly
through an eager pen...
"All living things would fade and die from...
- Howard Thurman...
Fortunado wasn't the only one to be caught behind...
Bricks fall lazily from the indefinable sky like a...
Swirling, whirling...
redefining consciousness...
Lethargy is the eponym of silence
it is the evanescent, draconian smile of the...
A therapist stares quietly
at his too perceptive patient...
She stands there, solitary in a world of couples
blushing a delicate pink...
I love you.
So overused and common...can't we be more...
Oh say can you see
in the darknes of lies...
Malodious hands stretch out
spreading Hail Marys and diminished Praise the...