The distance between them is overbearing
She cant let him leave her mind...
Sometimes I feel lucky to be me
Other days I wish I didn't be...
The sounds, the breaking of flesh...
Monstrosity acclaimed in mandatory immunity
Benign submission into stupidity...
The mornings grace is all I need
To grab this blade and start to bleed...
- I have this teacher (Mr Merrel) who is a pacer...
The inane pacing...
I'm alone once more
I'm never happy in this day of sorrow...
I know I made a mistake today
I know I did something bad...
I cry that word Willow
I cry it in my dreams...
My friends are my life
They make me happy when I want to cry...
A memory of happiness fades in my eyes
I feel so dead in the hope that nothingness is...
\ - / sorry if it doesn't really make sense.. its...
A screaming halo of malice...