*love is giving up a part of yourself |
*do you ever think how different things would be if just one moment of your life had gone another way* |
*{[L.O.V.E.]} is when YoUr HeArT fElT bIgGeR tHaN yOuR bOdy because its filled with trust & confidence & appreciation of one other special person* |
*saying goodbye seemed harder that day* |
*i see you. I see her. You smile. She leaves. You ask how i am. I lie. She then calls you. You hastily say good-bye. You then walk away from me and go to her* |
*i was not "in love" yet and i have to tell him. I have to stop the hollow words that became the bookends to our verbal communications* |
*those threes letter words, |
{["I LOVE YOU"]} became our universal language. It meant hello, good-bye, im sorry, im happy, kiss me & thanks for lunch. |
*everyone else was out of focus in his eyes while i was {[crystal clear]}* |
*he was like no one i had ever met, |