I must be the greast actor of all time because, |
The last word you are ever gona see from me will be IM SORRY I CARED SO MUCH AND IM SORRY I WAISTED YOUR TIME |
Talk to my a.s.s because my face dont give a shit. |
Why should i tell you my story... ill let my scars do that for |
The one thing i learned from l ife is NEVER TRUST NO ONE! not even your clostest friends cuz they\'ll stab you in your back and leave you out for dead! |
The hardest about moving on is... learning to let go of the past. |
Dont be afraid of death its life that causes the pain! |
WhEn YoU WaLk InTo My LifE I wAnT YOu To StAy......... nOt WAlK OuT WItH My HEArT BRoKEn In TwO. |
Im sitting in a dark room and yet when you walk in the whole room it seems to shine so bright!!! |
I wish i could close my eyes and it would all end.... just end. |