Just when I wasnt looking anymore, just when I was okay with the fact of being single, just when I was getting over my broken heart, you came into my life and messed everything up. |
In every *girls* life, there will be 3 guys, the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one who's crazy about her, and in the end... they're [[all the same guy]] |
[&&]No one said it'd be easy, they just promised it'd be worth it |
But our names sound so perfect together |
I wanna be the girl he's SCARED TO LOSE. the one where he (can't) walk away from knowing shes *mad* at him. the one who can't fall asleep WiTH0UT her voice being the one he [hears]. the one he can't live w.i.t.h.o.u.t. |
I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you |
What the future horld.. I have no idea-- All i know is that if your not in it-- I dont want to go |
-- && Y.o.u Walked [I.n.] My Life ;; When E v e r y o n e Else Walked [O.u.t] |
Please know that I'm forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me |