"I could be bounded in a nutshell, yet count myself the Lord of Infinite Space; were it not that I have bad dreams." -Hamlet |
[.x.] "Thy hand grazing the grass we laid...
This was supposed to be a quote. Damned word...
Midnight falls and my cloak drags the wet...
Blinded by the mystic falls, I stare blankly at...
Suddenly, a darkness befalls the glistening water...
Beyond the illuminating lights and the deceiving...
Tasting the bitter betrayal, and salty sadness...
[.x.] "These wrinkles you try to disencumber; I see beauty in them. For they are badges, from the battle eminently known as: Life." |
[.x.] "A kiss upon your wrists, and forevermore; my lips shudder at every pulse of your frigid veins. Your heart is mine; mine alone..." |