*dont have a name yet
The reflection gleams in her eyes, as if glitter...
All clever girls know colors will intoxicate the...
Wondering how her laughter sounds,
care-free, shy, maybe like a clown's...
Two plavix
and a glass of whiskey...
Open your eyes, love.
The truth is plain to see...
They say in Texas
that a drought usually ends in a flood...
Am I the only one who can hear,
The voices that cause my fear...
One, two, three...
Happy Valentine's day...
I'm the cheesy on your taco,
and we taste so good...
Daniel, my squishy. My forever.
My life saver and bestest friend...
It's dark, pitch back
Drip, drip, drip...
The Dark Little Red Riding Hood
I work all day...