
About Mical

My name\'s Mical, pronounced Michael. Yeah, it\'s a guys name, but I live with it, and no one really asks about it. I live in Las Vegas, and I hate it with a passion. It just gets too hot, and there\'s not really anything to do. Everyone\'s always like \"we\'re goin\' to vegas!\" and I just wanna say \"So the 'heck' what, a-hole!?\" It gets annoying, because they think it\'s so great, when really, it\'s not. Every friend I have wishes they didn\'t live in vegas.. But anyways, off that subject. I\'m really bad at school, and I mean.. Not smart at it. I\'m a generally nice kid though. Alot of my teacher\'s seem to like me, and I attract friends like that. I HATE abuse in any kind of form; child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, I hate it all, and anyone who does that to a person. I\'m not a label type of person, but I always find myself using them like, \"what a 'freaking' prep\" or \"she\'s a goth\" you know? If I had to label myself, I guess I\'d just use.. I don\'t know? I\'d give myself a blank, because I\'m not sure what I am. I act ditzy and girly with my friends, but I never wear anything but band tee\'s, always wear pink or black nailpolish, and eyeliner. I just think that\'s the best look for me, I guess. A fat person like me can\'t pull off the preppy act. But I don\'t know. Label\'s don\'t matter to me. I have all kinds of friends; gangsters, preps, punks, goths, nerds, you name it, I\'m friends with it. Anyways, I\'m done with this profile thing. =]

Profile of Mical

  • Age : 15
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Nevada
  • Joined : May 1, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 1
  • Comments : 0
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

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