Quotes by jenny V

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  • You are my true love that brought a gift but left a scar upon my face, so i leave you my red rose in my memory.

    18 years ago
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  • I guess you blew the wind across the ocean floor again.
    I guess you choose to fall like a autumn leaf.
    I guess you choose to hang outside my front door and not knock.
    So I guess this is my last kiss I blow to you and my last time you
    Will hear me.

    18 years ago
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  • Tell me..
    Was it worth it?
    Was the pleasure worth more than my heart I feed
    You in your plate.?
    Tell me.
    Did she know how to make you smile.
    Did she mean the word I love you..?
    Tell me..

    18 years ago
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  • I know he loves me.
    I know he is taken.
    I know I should let it go.
    I know he has a girl friend.
    But how to say no, when he feels the same??

    18 years ago
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  • I don’t want diamonds.
    I don’t want the travels if your not there.
    I don’t want the money.
    I don’t want my love to cost you a dime.
    Love is innocent not a crime.
    I love you for who you are in my heart..

    18 years ago
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  • You choosed to misguide my words.
    you jump into conclusion before i could finish my words. you choose to leave me and fly into the hole you once told me to never let you fall back. so now i choosed to leave your misguided beats.

    18 years ago
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  • To forget love is like to forget what i cherish from your words. to forget your love is like to forget what i felt. to forget you is like forgeting myself. don't ask me the impossible.

    17 years ago
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  • I cant seem to close my eyes at night, not until i think about what we went threw. i still belive that you will come at night and lay right next to me but it's all a fantasy. the truth is i DO still love you

    17 years ago
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  • I'm sry, if my words hurt you, i'm sry if my love was a curse to you, i'm sry if i let you down, and i am sry that my hearts does not follow yours, but it's better the truth rather than a lie upon your heart.

    17 years ago
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  • When i laid eyes on you, i could just wish i could kiss those moist lips upon mine, when i saw you i wish those hands touching my body whispering those words that would make me fall unto your feet but so far you see me as the wind passes the moon.

    17 years ago
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