"Don't always belive that people find love, sometimes.....love finds them" |
"I love you but you love her" |
"Life can be so unpridictable, thats why risks are worth taking" |
" when you believe in your self you have confedence, and when you have confedence, you can achieve anything" |
"your hands are shaking, your heart is racing, what could this be?-love" |
"Always keep trying to find your other half, because with out that other half, you're not whole" |
"saying you're a friend and acting like a friend are two completly different things" |
"People who are rich and succesful, don't always have everything" |
"Its funny how Hell and Love both have four letters and almost the exact same meaning" |
"Its weird how you need both life and love. You need to have life to love, and you can't live with out love" |