Quotes by JCazares21

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  • Your just another beautiful photo
    Developed and complete
    Time has made you black and white
    Crumpled on the street.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • [[Create your own world, DONT destroy ours]]
    [[Draw Pictures not Weapons]]
    [[Take Photos not Money]]
    [[Make art, not chaos]]

    16 years ago
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  • [[I'm packing my things and heading for the Moon, so I know for sure everything will always revolve around you.]] -J.Cazares (Jewelz)

    16 years ago
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  • Your the girl who not only taught me the power of love, but most importantly....how it was supposed to feel

    18 years ago
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  • He wants to make her see that falling in love isnt something to be scared of, but something girls like her simply *deserve*

    18 years ago
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  • ReMembER U GotTa StAy uP tO lOOk uP, or u'LL Be DrOpPEd DOwN Nd StAriN DoWN

    18 years ago
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  • U had me wrapped around ur lil finger nd now im wrapped around ya kneck, chokin you to death nd feelin regret with every breath.

    18 years ago
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