Poems by Chelsey

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  • The air is brisk, and snowflakes pelt our cheeks
    with angel like kisses, gentle and hushed...

  • Passerby (6) 3

    To whom do I write this poem about?
    To which recipient do I send it to...

  • I plead with the darkness to stop reminding me
    of the shadow your beard casts on your jaw line...

  • I want everything about you. Don't pack a bag,
    don't think twice about changing, I want you in...

  • I'm wide eyed on the couch because my
    bed reminds me there is still room for...

  • Do you want to know why I can't confront the...
    It's because I'd bold face lie to you, and regret...

  • I remember when the sound of my keyboard tapping
    meant I was writing about love and friendship...

  • To whom it may concern,
    I am unaware of your name, sir...

  • Filtered Love
    Verse 1...

  • The American flag does not wave to say hello,
    it is crying for attention, pleading for help as...

  • My vision is obstructed as these barricades
    cannot abstain the waterfall streaming over...

  • There have been days where I was
    like dirt; stuck on soles of shoes that...