Poems by Chelsey

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  • My heart told me tonight, "stop writing about...
    that "repetition only makes you revisit...

  • Misophonia: the hatred of sounds
    I live my life surrounded by every day sounds of...

  • Whiskfully sweeping
    environmentalists off...

  • As if my insides were made of plastic
    you melt bones with your flaming touch...

  • Fall (6)

    Where did your colors go...

  • Club challenge poem about "70th wedding...
    Its the 70th anniversary of our special moment...

  • To you,
    The one I gave an inch to, but you stretched it a...

  • This pen is a knife
    slitting the jugular of...

  • You see, you expected her to leave with ease
    yet, you left her with a crushed soul...

  • I often wonder why girls
    laugh at the thought of a promise ring...

  • Http://vocaroo.com/i/s0n5ipRhiY1E
    ^ In case you want to listen while reading...

  • If I could only make one statement, I'd make it to...
    the sun because you get to see her every day, even...