Trees will start to bud
Bringing magical colors...
Inspired by eyeliner :)
Those dark, lucid words...
Knees buckling together, collapsing her to the...
her mind destroying every ounce of hope...
Double Tetractys have a syllable count of: 1, 2...
Some call it a fantasy land,
the place where unicorns sing...
Canary and citrus rays of sunlight
beam through the trees and snug beaten branches...
Floating along the stream of loves riverbank
my hair swirls in the current thats moving towards...
My sincerest apologies go out
to the one who cradles my heart...
Ideally, the reason to sleep is to gain strength...
Loosen, then shut down the muscles; block out the...
I found myself by at the edge of my bed,
Elbows on my knees, head in my cupped hands...
There lies a place inside my heart
bearing two irreplaceable feelings...
Gallivanting out of the window
are dreams that came from my heart...