Poems by Chelsey

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  • There were parts of me that wanted to take your...
    a Monet with your expression, your behavior, your...

  • Deserted (2) 1

    Cotton mouth comes from a desert my poetry has...
    dehydrated from. When once love, happiness...

  • On the corner of her mouth rests a comma and on
    the other lies a period. To annunciate a string of...

  • Winter reminds me of the white in your eyes that...
    beautifully off the blue in the sky. These cold...

  • If we communicated like the moon and the ocean...
    we could wave our past goodbye and not be afraid...

  • There's a piano that faces a bay window,
    that overlooks a river, with a stream that...

  • Rain.
    It does things to people...

  • I wanted to write a love story. You know the kind,
    where torrential downpours didn't mean soggy...

  • Foul odor lurks off the breath of this city and
    jaundice is the skin that wraps around its sky...

  • Migraines nest their eggs in my eyes and anger...
    seed inside the depths of my happiness. Cold...

  • Readings this at my dad's funeral :)
    June 4th, 1991...

  • Fall (6)

    Where did your colors go...