You're my best friend,
best of all best friends.
do you have a best friend too?
you tickle in my tummy.
you're so yummy yummy.
you should have a best friend too, me!
17 years ago
Kept all my forevers and always
meant all thee i love you's
promised me everything
but all i got from you
was a bruised heart
left out in the deep dark
18 years ago
I will tell you
those words that
run through my heart
-- day in and night out
18 years ago
::step out from under that ladder::
18 years ago
I've got some imperfections
but how can you collect them all
and just throw them in my face
you just refuse to bend
so i keep bending til i break
& i am willing to bleed for you
i try to move on but
you keep me right here waiting
18 years ago
Push & Bang
one more push
the gun goes bang
18 years ago
Do i look like one of those?
have you even noticed me?
yea i been here all along
but you do not care, now do you?
18 years ago
You were my crutch
you were my crutch when i fell
you were my life
you were my love