Quotes by JESSiCA ANN

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  • I Hate u....But Some How I Love You
    I Want to hurt u....But i want to wash your tears away
    I want you outta my head...but your always in my dreams
    I want to not love you....but its impossible

    17 years ago
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  • Wishes don't always come true...
    Things don't always go our way..
    you learn that the things you let go of..
    are the hardest things to ever get back.

    17 years ago
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  • The funny thing is
    nobody really ever knows
    how much anyone is hurting.
    we could be standing next to somebody
    who is completely broken
    and we wouldn't even know.

    17 years ago
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  • Ii gave up on holding on,
    ii let goo of what i couldn't handle..
    ii moved on of what i let goo.

    17 years ago
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  • && babii its hard letting you goo..
    but its even harder trying to let goo..
    and walking away..
    && always knowing nothing will ((ever)) be the same.

    17 years ago
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  • There's a point when
    youu give upp.
    stopp tryiin..
    because you know you've had
    (E N O U G H)

    17 years ago
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  • Its hard to find the right onee.
    when you still haven't
    let go of the..
    ((WRONG ONE))

    17 years ago
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  • Love isn't about laughing,
    having a good time,
    having your fairytale ending..
    It's about..
    all the stupid little fights,
    breakups && mistakes.
    && at the end of the day you can still say,
    Baby I Love You!!

    17 years ago
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  • He says hes gonna change..
    && you wanna believe its true..
    because every girl wants a boy to change for them too.

    17 years ago
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  • Life is about trusting your feelings
    taking chances, losing and finding
    happiness. Appereciating the memories
    and learning from the pain & relizin;
    that people always change.

    17 years ago
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