Quotes by JESSiCA ANN

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  • I know it kills him..
    to see me happy..
    with some other guyy.

    18 years ago
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  • I hiide a broken heart
    behind a laughing face.
    & even though ii
    said "ii'm over you"
    no one will everr
    take your place.

    18 years ago
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  • Ain't it funny how..
    when the one you love wants you back..
    You could careless because you've found someone who treats you right.
    Who knows how to:
    Lovve youu
    Carre Forr Youu.
    Doesn't Liie.

    18 years ago
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  • The W.O.R.S.T.
    part about being..
    Liied too...
    iis knowing that..
    your not even
    worth thee.

    18 years ago
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  • Sometiimes..
    you just need to look past hiim..
    move on with your life...
    stop crying over something thats just not coming back anymore.

    18 years ago
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  • You dream about hiim..
    You miiss hiis touch..
    You stiill wish he was yours..
    You know somewhere iin your heart..
    He still has a place..
    But you know its just time to put hiim iin your pastt
    Movve oon.

    18 years ago
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  • I guess you start to reliize
    that sometiimes..
    love hurts you..
    friiends stab you in the backk..
    that liifes not what people make it seem to bee.

    18 years ago
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  • Psh..
    You gotta learn to stop cryin..
    Pick upp the broken pieces..
    Forget about what he did to you..
    Put his a.s.s. in the past..
    Move on with you life.
    Hes just not worth waiting for.

    18 years ago
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  • Sometimes..
    You just gotta live life..
    Forget bout the guys..
    Stop the worryin..
    Always remember to look back on your day..
    I have No Regrets.

    18 years ago
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  • Its funni how..
    When the boy who broke your heart the most..
    Wants you back..
    Your armz are..
    Wiide Open.

    18 years ago
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