Quotes by crying angel.

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  • I wan't to leave this awfull place
    i want to die, and have no trace

    i want to be forgotten
    but i wont be remembered
    and thats what i want

    so now, it'll be as if i never existed!

    isn't that what some people want?

    18 years ago
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  • When you are sad
    people start to ask if your ok
    the best answer
    "I'm just a little tired"

    (it works so well)

    18 years ago
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  • When you look at me
    you never know the truth
    and all you ever could see
    is the fake smile i hate the most

    18 years ago
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  • Why die tomarro
    when you can die today?

    18 years ago
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  • The things that hurt:
    The thinks that hurt because we cant feel them any more:
    loving life

    18 years ago
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    run peple!!
    run for your meaningless pathetic lives!

    18 years ago
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  • There's no excape now, no murcy no more. no remorce cuz i still remember. the smile when you tore me apart!
    you took my heart, deceved me right from the start.
    you broke your promis, and made me realize, it was all just a lie!


    18 years ago
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  • ```**``````**```

    18 years ago
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  • Even those who may appear to be good and kind
    may still do bad things behind closed doors!

    18 years ago
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  • Watch us fall apart
    wtch me fall apart
    never once, never once have i tryed so hard.
    so watch us fall apart....

    17 years ago
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