Poems by ImmortalKitty

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  • Cause We're Sisters
    Marriage brought us together...

  • Coconut Covered Chocolate Balls
    My sweet little ball of chocolate...

  • Come to me, consume me
    Take me over with just one smile...

  • Staring down the road
    Longing to see his car...

  • A tiny little woman and the apple of her daddy's...
    Dances around the room as beautiful as a flower...

  • Darkness: Stillness all around
    Crackling: Footsteps on the ground...

  • As I lie in peaceful day dreams upon the hill A...
    Every color gently brushed together The blue of...

  • Deep in my dreams
    I’m feeling you right there...

  • Depression, it creeps in like a shadow on the wall
    It lurks in the corner of the our own minds...

  • I read your words and swallow the lump that has...
    I fight back the tears as I read your words of...

  • Dream Catcher Dream Catcher
    Catch me a dream that’s true...

  • Come together O Family of mine,
    So together we all shall dine...