"Though my flesh will die and rot away, my words are forever here to stay. For this is my reality, this is my immortality." |
Love is only a myth that the heart created to cause us such mysery. It is not real, nore is it true, for if It was, i would be with you. |
Love is only a myth that the heart created to cause us such mysery. It is not real, nore is it true, for if It was, i would be with you. |
"just when you think you have a best friend, you fall in love with him" Immortal Kitty |
I wish that my words could soath the aching heart as a beast sung genlty to sleep allowing its host to regain control and be comforted |
Remember my friend; the strongest form of power is not the rage of a scorned woman. But the love she contains within her womb. |
“At what age does a young wake up and realize she is not beautiful without makeup?†|
“At what age does a young wake up and realize she is not beautiful without makeup?†|
“At what age does a young wake up and realize she is not beautiful without makeup?†|