Another morning sleeps in my bed.
a velvety sleep took a soft turn to hazy...
It's funny how oft I'll rewrite a line,
to make it clever, or witty, or rhyme...
Beguiled by a handsome stranger,
seduced by the crook of a finger...
It's the scar that defines us-
the perpetual reminder of a fatal encounter...
To he whom I adore, my death has no repose.
Where I lie here, beneath the bottom and yet...
A blaze of summer, long and lazy
streams along in tunes so gaily...
As the ink of nighttime soaked through the...
and gusts of generously teasing wind thrust from...
Hazy longing, sweetly sing-song-ing
never stopping, yet always pausing...
Wam! Bam!
Hit in the head with hooked-on-phonics...
Before the dawn,
before life itself stumbles...
You called me last night
after you and your mom had a fight...
Avert your eyes from the terror
of another single afternoon...