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  • Her father decided late last year
    His only daughter's biggest fear...

  • There was once a boy
    Who fell in love with a girl...

  • I'm sorry for what you've gone through
    But my dear friend, you are strong...

  • Shadow (2)

    You lived a very bad life
    But then my nana adopted you...

  • It's that face that I love
    It's that hair that I can't forget...

  • I'll never go to that place again
    It'll cause me too much pain...

  • I may have lost a lot in my life
    Including the guy that I love...

  • I still have the dog you gave me for Christmas
    And the teddy bear you got me on vacation...

  • I miss your hugs
    I miss your kisses...

  • I'll never flirt with anyone else
    In my life, I never will again...

  • Kiss me quickly
    Kiss me sweet...

  • This first date of ours
    Was perfect and fun...