Stories told to those who wait.
Wait in silence, wait in peace...
Kill Yourself.
Sing me lullabies that I've never heard...
Vision presents color,
willing egos to shrink...
Tears Of A Clown.
Tormented through high school for his funny ways...
Your daze causes awkwardness,
and your mental capacity is lowered...
A womans weakness is her sense of vanity.
Perfection is unexisting...
My stomach's churning, hands are trembling.
My whole body's nervous, It's been so long...
My child, My darling.
Awake! My child...
For Every Heartbeat. [Acrostic]
Flaccid minds...
To Make You Love Me.
Changed my life for you...
My Mother.
Sometimes when I feel so empty...
The fear within her eyes,
shallow as can be...