If you're going to hold your breath waiting for an apology, I'll send flowers to your funeral now. |
When you're little and you're spinning around really fast and you think you're going to fall - that's what love feels like. Only you know you won't fall because he's there to help you keep your balance. |
If there were ever a reason to stand under a beautiful girl's window, with a bouquet of roses, singing love songs, I just found it bbydoll. |
Cries for mercy are smothered by the cold shadow of death.. |
Send no flowers.. xx |
You make me draw little hearts in all my notebooks<3. |
& iLOVEYOU more than Jeffree Star loves makeup. [= |
& If the size of my heart reflected on how much I love you, it would reach to the end of the universe. |
Poor little girl...You bleed so pretty.. |
& one day, you'll find that special person whose meaning to you will leave you touched into eternity... |