Poems by Donelle

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  • Lauren (1)

    Her pom poms are down
    her fists are up...

  • Not (1)

    Not skinny enough
    not big enough boobs...

  • Why

    I want to no why doesn't he like me
    i need to no why...

  • What happened to kindergarten
    what about grade school...

  • One second she is your friend
    then the next she isn't...

  • She (1)

    She writes poems all night
    then cries her self to sleep...

  • Her walls hear secrets no one else can hear
    her floor sees things no one else can see...

  • I remember him and his friends and how we use to...
    but sometimes i wonder...

  • Sometimes i wish my crush one him would end
    but i can't get it through my head...

  • Rain (1)

    Running in the rain is like
    running through your tears...

  • At night dreams haunt her of the future coming to...
    but its not the future that scares her...

  • Your legs are sore from chasing him
    your eyes are red from crying...